The Art of Appreciating MORE
Chapter One: Permeate and Radiate drawing explained
When I compiled The Art of Appreciating MORE Book for publication, I decided to make it a beautiful book too. It is filled with beautiful and sensitive contents in words and thoughts, yet I wanted to add color and I wanted it to be pretty meaningful. Each Chapter opening page has a picture. I used my imagination and creativity to make the art to for each Chapter Page. This is a soft watercolor pencil painting. It comes out of the Locus Flower of my mind. It brings to surface that thoughts are never so individualized that they do not have to be born. Birth is always a complicated process of at least two primaries and many supporting elements.
Likewise, a thought. There is no such thing as ONE Thought. All thoughts are a combination of thoughts, feelings, ideas, timing, realizing, ripening… etc., etc., etc. Also “Diffusion” is a momentum of behaviors in this painting. To the ends of empowering “Potential” there is a lot of hope. The Chapter “Permeate and Radiate” combines processes into more than it could have if not brought forth together. There is not one word that can combine the permeation and radiation into a new word… there are things about life that have to be realized as complicated and yet so willing to exist.